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Have some after-hours fun:

Board Games

There are a number of board games you can easily adapt for online games, and some of them are great for teams. Below is a list of games that can be played with 4+ players. If you're not sure how this would work online, check out this medium post which explains how to adapt for online.

Q&A with pictures. Someone asks a question, and everyone on the team answers in pictures only. E.g. "Where in the world would you go on vacation this summer if there wasn't a pandemic?

Host Virtual Trivia - Do you have a secret Ken Jennings on your team? (NOTE - Interface in English only, however both English and French can be used) -

A Little Improv - Calling all thespians (NOTE - Interface in English only)

The ever popular Conference Call Bingo

Virtual paint night / Virtual baking lessons - Bring out your repressed artist by signing up as a team for a virtual paint night / or have a talented colleague guide you through a painting or baking session

Virtual Treasure hunts / Virtual Escape Room

Check in your local area for virtual escape rooms or host your own


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