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Establishing social connections with remote teams

Establishing social connections with remote teams is intended to provide tips and tools for Managers of dispersed teams to create and build digital, social interactions.

Use this play to:

  • Engage with and get to know your team
  • Create a team culture while managing a remote team
  • Help address the need for social interactions
  • Help to build a strong, productive and engaged remote team

Running the play:

The purpose of this play is to help managers build close knit teams while working remotely and to help encourage digital, social interactions.

COVID-19 has brought forth new challenges therefore integrating some of these Plays can help to create fun, social interactions within teams to help support the wellbeing of employees and address social isolation. It is key to remember, "You are not working from home, you are at home during a pandemic, trying to work".

Below you will find tips, tricks and tools to promote social interactions for your team. Prior to these activities, assess the needs and reality of your team members and apply activities that fit those needs.

Table of Contents

  1. Communications
  2. Have some after-hours fun
  3. Available tools
  4. Mental Health and Wellness
  5. Resources for Managers - Take Care of Yourself
  6. Ergonomics
  7. Related Plays

  8. *For quick access, click on the bolded text to direct you to a specific page*

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Materials on this website were produced and/or compiled for the purpose of providing Canadians with access to information about the programs and services offered by the Government of Canada. It is subject to the following Terms and conditions.

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