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Virtual meetings

Virtual meetings is intended to provide tips and tools for Managers of dispersed teams to create and build digital, social interactions.

Use this play to:

  • Support middle-managers in holding meetings with remote teams.
  • Help prepare yourself and the team for productive and well-organized meetings.
  • Learn about proper etiquette when hosting or attending meetings.

Running the play:

  • Preparation for virtual meetings is key in maximizing the productivity of the meeting.
  • Recreating the environment of in-person meetings virtually can be challenging, but there are tools to help facilitate meetings and keep teams well-connected.

Table of Contents

  1. What to do before meetings that leads to increased productivity
  2. Measures can also be taken during meetings to maximize productivity within the team and ensure efficient virtual meetings
  3. What to do after meetings in order to build on and improve future meetings
  4. Virtual Meetings Checklist for Presenters and Participants
  5. Mitigations and Guidance - Canadian Centre for Cyber Security
  6. Useful tools

  7. *For quick access, click on the bolded text to direct you to a specific page*

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Materials on this website were produced and/or compiled for the purpose of providing Canadians with access to information about the programs and services offered by the Government of Canada. It is subject to the following Terms and conditions.

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