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About the needs assessment

Don’t know where to start? Let us show you the way.

Through a series of statements, this tool will help you determine the plays that are relevant to your team.

We recommend that you review your results every 2 to 3 months and that you complete a new needs assessments every 4 to 6 months.

Step 1: Tell us how much you agree (or disagree) with various statements

You can complete the questionnaire individually or as a group.

Step 2: Submit your result and get your personalized game plan

A list of plays will be recommended to you based on your answers. These plays will include a description, how it can be used, and a list of relevant resources for more information.

The Transformation Portfolio Office will be getting a copy of your answer and will be there to guide you if you have further questions.

You will also be able to save your personalized game plan.

Step 3: Monitor

Track your progress as your project or initiative unfolds. We recommend regularly revisiting the needs assessment to track your progress over time.

Do you have an idea for a new play that might be worthwhile? You can propose a play to be included to the playbook.

Start your needs assessment.

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